
Only active group members are eligible to participate.

If you’d like to earn funded items for free I’ve got some options for people who prefer to do some work rather than pay.
Payments are in credit, this credit is only applicable to my own projects/funds.

To apply please contact me at help@bunkajin.club, you will be required to use either a Discord or Matrix account for easy correspondence. If you are already on those platforms you can contact me directly.


Donating a full backup of any gravure is eligible for credit.

Imouto 4K Photosets: $2.00 per set.
IM4K Files: $10.00 per set (must donate all parts)
BFAA 4K Files: $10.00 per set (must donate all parts)
Bluray ISO: minimum $5.00 per item (reward may increase based on evaluation)
DVD ISO: minimum $5.00 per item (reward may increase based on evaluation) (not accepting items with HD digital releases)

I recommend donating sooner than later because someone might donate before you.

Sorting/Data Scraping

For this job you will have to do some data scraping, You’ll be required to find specific data for various DVDs including the title,release date, actress, studio, dvd cover, etc. You will then upload these to my server for a credit reward.

1 DVD = $0.25

You will also be given full access to the files you are assigned.